
Thank you for your interest in RRCD. If you would like to become a member, here’s some information. You will learn how you can benefit by being a member of this vibrant deaf club, one of the few remaining independent Deaf Clubs in our country.

Annual Dues

$50 for Regular

$35 for Senior Citizen (55 years and older)

$35 for Non-resident (resides more than 60 miles away)

$35 for Student

$25 for Snowbird

$140 for a 5-year Senior Citizen membership

$200 for a 5-year Regular membership
(only renewable at end of Membership period)

Membership benefits include the following:

  • Discounted Admission to RRCD events
  • Participation in leagues and tournaments
  • Participation and voting privileges in RRCD meetings
  • Complimentary Christmas Dinner
  • Clubhouse Rental at reduced fee