Rochester Deaf Awareness Week (RDAW)
honored to
Rocehster Deaf Awareness
Week (RDAW) .
In collaboration
with the National
Association of the
Deaf which participates
in Deaf World Week
initiated by the
World Federation
of the Deaf, Rochester
joins other cities
around America to
observe Deaf Awareness
Week held
annually during
the last full week
in September.
On September 21–
27, 2008, Rochester
will have a week-long
calendar of events
to celebrate the
culture, heritage,
and language unique
to deaf people of
the world.
Events ranged from
exhibits by deaf
people to workshops
to acquaint the
hearing community
of their culture.
RDAW website
show various
programs that were
planned by a hard-working
DAW committee under
the auspices of
the Rochester Recreation
Club of the Deaf.
RRCD and the Rochester
Deaf Community agree
that RDAW 2006 was
successful! We look forward to RDAW 2008!
For more information
on Deaf Awareness
Week, go to
Association for
the Deaf (NAD). |